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Specialist Services

At AA Silencers we use specialist tools to perform the following:

injector removal

heater/glow plug removal

range rover body removal for turbo replacement or active antiroll bar replacement

pro-cut on vehicle brake lathe

DSG gear box service/oil change. We are now fully qualified by the IMI and approved by LUK to carry out diagnostics and repairs to all DSG and DCT gear boxes

brake fluid flush/change

DPF cleaning using Tunap latest equipment or a full high pressure flush using the latest state of the art DCS16 DPF cleaning machine

In let cleaning using tunap bead blasting equipment

Diesel injector and petrol injector cleaning using tunap additives and tunap specialist equipment

Air conditioning re-gas / servicing / diagnostics / repair of all r134a gas systems including the latest r1234yf gas systems and all hybrid vehicles