santa claussanta claus
santa claus
RAC approved
The Motor Ombudsman


We know that finding a great, high quality local car garage and also knowing how much servicing and repairs cost can sometimes be a challenge, so the AA created the Garage Guide – a directory of motoring advice and hand-picked local garages.

All approved garages are hand-picked and have recognised industry accreditations and an excellent level of service, to ensure you and your car are taken care of. We champion expertise by partnering with The Institute of the Motor Industry and The Motor Ombudsman.

We are proud to be an AA Certified garage – an additional step to ensure you and your car are looked after.

We chose to go even further to become officially certified and carry AA certified branding. We have passed our rigorous inspection and adhere to our Garage Promise which guarantees a level of customer experience across customer transparency quality of work and customer confidence. Only certified garages may carry AA branding.

In addition to MOTs and Servicing, if there is something specific you need such as, Brake repairs, or Air conditioning servicing, you can request a free repair quote.
